Crafting Cherished Moments, One Fruitcake Slice at a Time

Brace yourself to taste one of the best traditional cakes of all times!

About Us

Located at Northern Virginia, USBaker is one of the finest bakers who perfected the art of making traditional fruitcakes. Our fruitcake recipes date back to the early 1940s and has been a beloved tradition to make and distribute these delicacies to families ever since.

What's Christmas without a traditional fruitcake! It is indeed a great way to make your Christmas merrier than ever! The aroma, the taste, and the goodness it brings amidst the celebration & fellowship are incomparable.

Why Choose Us

  • Fruits and nuts soaked for weeks to ensure the flavors meld and intensify, resulting in a distinct taste.

  • Our recipe has been passed down for generations, preserving the authenticity and nostalgia of their fruitcakes.

  • Our bakers use farm fresh ingredients, meticulously sources, that guarantee unparalleled flavor and freshness in every bite.

See why many love our fruitcakes!

Get Connected

USBaker is one of the finest bakers who perfected the art of baking. We sell Fruitcakes & English Rich cakes on different tin sizes

Become a part of the family!