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New Executive Director at Fiduchi

New Executive Director at Fiduchi

Wednesday 16 June 2021

New Executive Director at Fiduchi

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Fiduchi Group has appointed an Executive Director to lead its expansion of its Employee Incentives programme across all its jurisdictions.

Tom Hicks, who is a qualified accountant, has spent the majority of his career in Employee Incentives sector, primarily in the provision of trusteeship and administration services to clients, including multinational FTSE 100 and FTSE 350 companies and SMEs.

"Expanding our Employee Incentives service line has been a critical priority for Fiduchi for some time," Managing Director David Hopkins said.

"We have purposefully invested in developing the right platform and engaging the right support over multi jurisdictions with a focus on strategic growth. Tom has brought a level of expertise to the team which allows for that progress to happen successfully."

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