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Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer

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Munley Law® Personal Injury Attorneys: Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyers

A serious car accident or medical mistake can upend your entire life. You shouldn’t have to navigate this experience alone. If you or someone you love suffered a serious injury due to someone else’s negligence in Pittsburgh, a personal injury lawyer at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys can help you and your family get the justice you deserve and the compensation you need. Help is only a phone call away.

Our award-winning personal injury lawyers have helped thousands of people throughout Pennsylvania and nationwide. We have been named among the Best Lawyers in America, and among the nation’s Best Law Firms by U.S. News and World Report. We have earned the highest client and peer review ratings from the esteemed legal guide, Martindale Hubbell. Most importantly, we get results.

We are plaintiffs’ lawyers who exclusively handle serious personal injury cases. When it matters most, you need a law firm you can trust. No injury firm in Pittsburgh is more qualified to protect your rights and get you maximum compensation. Call today for a free consultation.

Meet Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer Marion Munley

Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney Marion MunleyThe senior partner at our law firm is also one of the most respected civil trial lawyers in the U.S. Marion Munley stands as a true advocate for the civil justice system and the rights of victims, earning her distinction as a beacon in the legal world. Her reputation shines brightly in her role as a Pittsburgh personal injury attorney, marked not only by her exceptional legal prowess but also by her unwavering empathy when representing those who have suffered catastrophic injuries. Her dedication to her clients and their families knows no bounds.


Marion’s approach is deeply rooted in treating each client as an integral part of her extended family. Her relentless advocacy has resulted in numerous multi-million-dollar recoveries for her clients, including a landmark settlement in one of the most substantial trucking accident cases in history.


She enjoys widespread recognition as one of the foremost and highly respected truck accident lawyers in the state. Marion holds the distinction of being Triple Board Certified by the National Board of Trial Advocacy in Civil Trial, Civil Practice, and Truck Law.

Throughout her illustrious career, Marion has earned some of the legal profession’s most prestigious accolades. She has secured her place on the coveted Top 10 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list, received the distinguished Lawyer of the Year honors from Best Lawyers in America, and achieved inclusion in the esteemed Lawdragon 500 Leading Plaintiff Consumer Lawyers list.
Philadelphia personal injury lawyer legal awards


We do not get paid unless we win your case.

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Types of Pittsburgh Personal Injury Claims We Handle

There are many different types of personal injury cases. When choosing a Pittsburgh injury lawyer to represent you, it’s important to find someone who has handled cases like yours. Munley Law has successfully secured compensation for victims of the following types of personal injury cases:

  • car accidents
  • truck accidents
  • motorcycle accidents
  • pedestrian accidents
  • workers’ compensation
  • bicycle accidents
  • rideshare accidents
  • Uber accidents
  • Lyft accidents
  • brain injuries
  • catastrophic injuries
  • nursing home abuse
  • premises liability
  • bus accidents
  • slip and fall
  • construction accidents

A Pittsburgh Personal Injury Attorney Near You

With office locations in Pittsburgh and throughout Pennsylvania, we make it easy for you to meet with us for a free consultation. No matter where you are in the Steel City, if you cannot come to us due to your injuries, we can come to you or meet with you virtually.

Our Pittsburgh, PA Office

Munley Law® Personal Injury Attorneys

510 Third Avenue
2nd Floor,
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 534-5133
Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh personal injury lawyer Marion Munley

What Is a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Marion Munley featured as lawyer of the year by best lawyersA personal injury lawsuit is a claim filed in court against people or companies whose negligence caused someone else to be injured or killed.

A serious injury can leave you with a mountain of medical bills, time missed from work, and seemingly endless questions about how you will pay for these costs and get your life back on track. The purpose of a personal injury lawsuit is to hold the at-fault party responsible and obtain financial compensation for you.

Personal injury law can involve many types of accidents including truck accidents, car accidents, bus accidents, motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice, product liability, premises liability, workplace injuries and accidents, spinal cord and brain injuries, nursing home abuse, wrongful death, failure to diagnose cancer, birth and neonatal injuries, and toxic torts.

Negligence in a personal injury case

Negligence is a key element of any personal injury lawsuit. For injured victims to win compensation for their injuries and related losses, you must prove that the at-fault party was negligent. In order to prove negligence, your attorney will need to show that the defendant (person or entity at fault) owed you a duty of care, violated that duty, caused you to become injured as a result of their actions, and that you suffered damages because of your injuries.

The negligent party might be an individual, such as a speeding driver or a careless doctor. The negligent party in your case can also be an entity like a large company whose product or policies led to your injuries. Some cases have more than one at-fault party.

Different standards of care are used in different personal injury cases. For example, doctors and other medical professionals are held to a higher standard of care than the general public.

Types of Compensation that May Be Available to Pittsburgh Personal Injury Victims

Dan and Marion Munley truck accident attorneys looking at filesEach case is unique, but there are categories of compensation that are commonly paid to victims who have suffered personal injuries.

Damages in a personal injury case

The types of compensation can include money paid for:

  • Medical expenses and bills
  • Medical rehabilitation costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost wages
  • Repairs for property damage
  • Replacement of damaged property
  • Court costs
  • Other expenses and costs

How an Attorney Can Help If You Have Suffered Injuries in Pittsburgh, PA

PIttsburgh Personal Injury AttorneysA Pittsburgh attorney with experience handling serious personal injury cases will have the legal knowledge to act in your best interest. When you suffer harm because of someone else’s negligence, a personal injury lawyer is essential to have by your side.

An experienced lawyer possesses the knowledge and skills to protect you and ensure you receive fair treatment. These professionals have assisted numerous individuals who have found themselves in your position, providing them with the necessary support and guidance.

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Determine Who is at Fault for Your Injury

Bob Munley Pittsburgh Personal Injury AttorneySometimes the fault is clear. For example, if you are in a car crash with another driver, it may be clear that the other driver caused the crash and is the at-fault party.

Other situations may be more complex. In a tractor-trailer truck crash, for example, there may be multiple parties who could be responsible, such as the driver, the trucking company, the maintenance company, or the company that loaded the truck. The more parties involved, the more complex a claim can be.

No matter how complex the scenario, the best personal injury lawyers investigate your crash and claim so they can determine who is responsible for your injuries. They will also know how to make sure the responsible party pays the compensation you deserve.

An Attorney Can Determine How Much Your Claim Is Worth

Pittsburgh workers' compensation lawyer working at her computerExperienced Pittsburgh injury lawyers will work with experts and investigators to calculate how much your claim is worth. This will include information about

  • the extent of your injuries
  • the amount of property damage
  • your current and estimated future medical expenses
  • your current and future lost wages
  • any potential negative change to your ability to work, now and in the future
  • the cost of rehabilitation
  • and more.

Considering all this information is important because the initial settlement offer you receive from the insurance companies generally will not cover all your expenses following an accident.

Unfortunately, many injury victims don’t know how much their claim is worth and will take the first settlement offer they receive. An experienced personal injury lawyer can ensure you get all the compensation you deserve.

A Pittsburgh Injury Attorney Will Negotiate With the Insurance Company

The Pittsburgh personal injury attorneys of Munley LawIn many cases, the insurance company will attempt to settle your personal injury claim for the least amount of money possible.  Adjusters may try to bully you or persuade you to take the first amount offered. You’ll need a personal injury law firm with strong negotiating skills to help you with a settlement.

In most personal injury claims, lawyers have settlement discussions with the parties’ insurance companies to try to reach an agreement that compensates the victim. Many cases are settled successfully during these negotiations when the victim is represented by an experienced personal injury lawyer.

The issues the personal injury lawyers discuss in settlement discussions include

  • liability;
  • the victims’ injuries and pain and suffering, both physical and mental;
  • compensation needed for present and future medical bills, lost income, and other damages; and
  • any other issues that may require compensation for reimbursement.

Sometimes, settlement talks fail when the personal injury lawyers and the insurance company cannot reach an agreement. When that happens, your Pittsburgh injury lawyers will file a personal injury case in court.

Preparing for Litigation

Settlement talks can continue even after a lawsuit is filed, and the at-fault party’s insurance company may offer an increased settlement amount after litigation begins.

An experienced personal injury law firm can guide you through this process, advising if the compensation offered by the insurance company is sufficient and reasonable based on your medical expenses, injuries, and other factors. If no settlement is agreed on, then your Pittsburgh injury lawyer will go to trial for you.

A Pittsburgh Trial Lawyer Can Represent You in Court

If a settlement cannot be reached, clients need an aggressive trial team to represent them in the courtroom to help overcome the responsible party’s defense. All the personal injury attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have experience in the courtroom and will fight for your rights.

Frequently Asked Questions of Pittsburgh Injury Lawyers

Attorney Robert Munley speaking with employee

How Do I Know If I Need a Personal Injury Law Firm to Handle My Case?

As the injured victim, you may be able to bring a lawsuit against the negligent party to obtain compensation for your injuries. Unfortunately, you will likely face legal hurdles that will be hard to overcome without a personal injury lawyer on your side. Many victims in personal injury cases never get the compensation they rightfully deserve when handling the claim on their own.

The legal process can be confusing, and insurance companies profit by settling for as little as possible. As a serious injury victim, you may be concerned about paying your current medical bills, especially if you’re missing a lot of time from work. So a quick settlement could solve that problem instantly. But what about any future expenses? Will that settlement cover lost earning potential or property damage?

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we have the legal experience to ensure you receive compensation for both present and future medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. Our Pittsburgh personal injury lawyers protect the rights of our clients to get them the compensation they deserve.

How Long Do I Have to File a Personal Injury Case After an Accident?

The statute of limitations to file a personal injury case in Pennsylvania with an attorney is two years from the date of injury. This means you have only two years from the time of the accident to file a lawsuit.

If you do not start your lawsuit in court with an attorney within two years, you will not be able to seek compensation from the at-fault parties. Because of this short timeframe, you need to contact a Pittsburgh injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Why Do I Need a Lawyer For An Injury Case?

Any time you are injured because of someone else’s negligent behavior, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer. That’s why the Pittsburgh injury lawyers of Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys always offer a free initial consultation. You can use this consultation to learn about your legal options and to find out what your next steps should be after an accident.

An experienced lawyer will not only give you sound advice, but will also determine the full value of your claim, so you can rest assured you’re not leaving any money on the table. In most cases, the first settlement offer you receive will not cover all your expenses. But if you do not have significant experience estimating the value of a personal injury claim, you may not know the settlement offer is too low. Our Pittsburgh personal injury lawyers in Pennsylvania can help you get a better understanding of how much your claim is worth. Then, we’ll fight to make sure you receive ever penny.

In addition to handling the insurance claim and process, your personal injury lawyer will collect evidence, investigate the crash, interview witnesses, work with experts, and help get you the resources you need to be made whole again.

How Much is a Case Like Mine Worth?

It is impossible to know what kind of settlement to expect before investigating the extent of any injuries sustained, medical costs, lost income, future expenses, and pain and suffering. This is why it is important to hire a personal injury law firm that will complete a thorough investigation and who will never advise you to accept a settlement for less than you truly deserve.

Factors affecting a personal injury settlement

Many factors go into how much a personal injury claim is worth. Your injury lawyer will want to know the answers to many questions.

Some of the common questions include:

  • What or who caused the accident?
  • How did the accident happen?
  • How severe and long-lasting are your injuries? Have you suffered catastrophic or life-threatening injuries?
  • Will you be able to return to work? Can you perform the same type of work as before the accident?
  • How much insurance coverage is available?

If your crash results in catastrophic injuries, you may be entitled to more financial compensation than if you do not suffer serious injuries. The amount of compensation is different for every incident. Our Pittsburgh injury lawyers can provide you with an estimate of the compensation you deserve after a financial analysis and investigation with the best attorney.

Do I Need a Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer?

If you suffered a serious injury or your medical costs are high, it is a good idea to speak with an attorney who can guide you on next steps. During a free, no-obligation consultation, you can ask questions, gain a better understanding of your situation, and get a professional opinion about whether to pursue legal action.

Because you must file your claim within two years from the date the car crash occurred, it is very important to discuss the situation with a Pittsburgh personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. We have so many success stories with our past clients. Our profile top team of lawyers has won up to a million settlements. We will fight for you and your injury case.

To receive compensation, you must prove the negligence of the at-fault party. Our experienced and skilled attorneys can help you do that so you get the compensation you deserve.

You must also show that the at-fault party or the insurance company is required to pay for your losses. The experienced lawyers at our law firm can help, starting with their free consultation. Our legal team will guide you through the legal process. We collect evidence and handle discussions with witnesses, other attorneys, and insurers, so you can focus on getting well. Most importantly, we fight for your rights so you receive fair compensation.

What Happens if My Loved One Died in an Accident? Call Us For An Attorney In Pittsburgh

When a family member or someone you love dies in an accident, you may be too preoccupied with the arrangements and the loss to deal with what happens next. If the accident was caused by negligence of another party, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit.

A wrongful death claim allows you to seek compensation from someone whose wrongful and negligent actions cause your loved one to die. A wrongful death lawsuit can pay for medical expenses, lost wages, funeral costs, estate administration, and more in Pennsylvania.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Top Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer?

The attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys work on a contingent fee basis. This means that we do not collect a fee unless we win your case. This way, anyone can afford to hire the best legal representation, regardless of wealth or income in Pittsburgh. Lawyers are a big part of getting compensation for accidents helping you. You pay nothing upfront or out of pocket, and our fee will never be greater than the amount paid to you.  If for some reason we cannot achieve a settlement or verdict for you, you owe us nothing.

Why Choose Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys For Your Injury Case?

The Pittsburgh personal injury lawyers at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys are recognized as leaders in personal injury law not just in Pennsylvania but nationwide. Each of our partners and lawyers has decades of experience handling complex injury cases and bringing cases to trial. We have won numerous groundbreaking settlements and verdicts for our client’s legal injury case with our attorneys.

Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys was founded in 1959 by Robert W. Munley. As the practice has grown in Pittsburgh over the last 60+ years, it has remained a family business true to its original mission: to be a voice for the voiceless, to give all people equal access to the justice system, and to fight for the vulnerable, even against the most powerful entities. When lawyers are needed for a case, choose our Pittsburgh Personal Injury Attorney.

Pittburgh’s top legal team

Our lawyers have been consistently listed in Best Lawyers in America, Best Law Firms, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers, LawDragon 500, and the Multimillion Dollar Advocates Forum.

Our attorneys are board-certified in civil practice and civil trials by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. The Pittsburgh personal injury attorneys at Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys have earned AV-Preeminent ratings from Martindale Hubbell, and Daniel Munley has been designated a Platinum-level Client Champion Attorney in Pittsburgh.

Over the last six decades, our attorneys have helped thousands of people across Pittsburgh recover from serious injuries and win cases against large companies and powerful organizations. Because we are a family business of lawyers, we often work closely together on our cases, so you have the full power of our attorney team on your side. If you had a Pittsburgh personal injury don’t hesitate to call an attorney.

No Settlement, No Fee – That’s Our Promise to You

At Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys, we believe that all people should have equal access to the justice system, regardless of income. That’s why our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means we do not charge a fee for our services unless we win your case. If we are unable to recover compensation for you, you owe us nothing.


Contact Us Today for a Free Case Review with an Experienced Pittsburgh Personal Injury Lawyer

The injury you or your loved one suffered could impact your life forever. We will work hard to recover the maximum amount of money for the injuries caused by the accident. At the office of Munley Law, our slip and fall lawyers have extensive experience with a wide range of personal injury cases.

You should not have to face financial expenses on your own if someone else caused your crash. If you’ve been injured in a car crash, our lawyers can assess your case and discuss your legal options with an attorney. Contact Munley Law Personal Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation with one of our lawyers.

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