
At WH Law’s Fayetteville law firm, our team of experienced attorneys, associates, and legal professionals specialize in a range of practices. We’re a passionate, full-service law firm serious about serving Fayetteville and the surrounding area with our expertise in legal matters and decades of knowledge. Our team is ready, plain and simple. You may as well just give us a call now (drop-ins are also welcomed).

Our attorneys also have strong ties in the Arkansas and Tennessee legal communities, with ongoing relationships with a few of the less stuffy law firms and state associations.

The Team

Not just Fayetteville lawyers, we’re Pigs. Wait— that’s not right.

CEO. Outsider.
Lawyer. Family Chef.
Consultation Manager.
Digital Marketer.
Let's make a
Badass Strategy
for you.

Busy now? Schedule a talk for later. Feeling chatty? Call Andi.


Things to do and see in Fayetteville:

WH Law Offices

Enjoy the Local Color

You’ll feel right at home in our friendly office, it has great people within the bland, yet familiar architecture.

Fix Your Chariot

Hey, it’s not glamorous, but details fall to the wayside when you’re in a legal battle. Lucky for you, our neighbors are mechanics.

Razorback Stadium

Razorback Stadium

Like a gleaming, cardinal-red beacon, it welcomes 72,000 football fans to WOO-PIGSOOIE with one voice.

Lake Fayetteville

Lake Fayetteville Park

A lake, a botanical garden, and paddle boats that are impossible to steer—what’s not to love?

Theater Squared


Not your kid’s crappy recital. These performers are really damn good, and the building alone is worth a trip.

Arkadia Retrocade

Arkadia Retrocade

Check out the WH about page, you’ll see why this is on the list. There’s no better place to blow stuff up than Arkadia.

WH Law Offices

Enjoy the Local Color

You’ll feel right at home in our friendly office, it has great people within the bland, yet familiar architecture.

Fix Your Chariot

Hey, it’s not glamorous, but details fall to the wayside when you’re in a legal battle. Lucky for you, our neighbors are mechanics.

State of Arkansas
Little Rock
Memphis, TN

Arkansas-born. Everywhere-bound.

WH Law is proud to call Arkansas home. It’s a place with good people, hard work, and no nonsense. We’re taking this show on the road, because clients are hungry for a new standard of lawyer.

Services in Fayetteville

Your problem is unique, but it fits in a category of the law. This is the only time you will be put in a box, promise.

What wh Law Can Do for You

A lawyer can not only make or break your case — but your life, too. That’s why the attorneys at wh Law are dedicated to helping you get the best results possible in court.

Allow us to share a crucial piece of wisdom: the right lawyer doesn’t just influence the outcome of your case — they can transform your entire future. That’s the cornerstone of our philosophy at WH Law. We’re more than just legal advocates; we’re your partners in navigating your most challenging moments, especially in personal injury cases, bankruptcy, and family law. Our aim? To make sure you get the best outcome in your Northwest Arkansas court case.

Our relationship with you begins on a foundation of honesty, starting with a complimentary consultation. We believe in transparent communication, especially when it comes to potential costs. Reach out for your free consultation, and let our team at WH Law guide you with unmatched expertise and a supportive hand.

Navigating Family Law with Compassion and Expertise

Family law is more than a legal dispute; it’s about the people and lives at its core. Here’s how we can support you:

  • Divorce: We navigate these turbulent times with sensitivity and strength, ensuring your rights and well-being are protected.
  • Child Custody & Support: The welfare of your children is paramount. We strive to establish fair and sustainable arrangements that prioritize their needs.
  • Paternity: Clarity and fairness are key in matters of paternity. We’re here to provide legal clarity and resolution for all involved.
  • Adoption: Expanding your family through adoption is a journey we’re honored to be a part of, offering guidance and legal support at every step.
  • Guardianship: When you step in to provide care, we back you up to ensure the legal groundwork is solid and clear.

Navigating Probate with Expertise and Compassion

We approach probate with the professional sensitivity it deserves, guiding our clients through each step with empathy and professionalism. Here’s how we can support you:

  • Validating the Will: We ensure that the will is legally valid and represents the true intentions of your loved one.
  • Estate Administration: From inventorying assets to managing the estate’s finances, we handle the difficulties of estate administration with diligence and care.
  • Debt and Tax Resolution: Settling debts and taxes can be complicated. We navigate these obligations efficiently, ensuring compliance with legal requirements while protecting the estate’s value.
  • Distribution of Assets: We oversee the distribution of the estate’s assets according to the will’s directives or state law, always striving for fairness and transparency.
  • Litigation Support: Should disputes arise during probate, our team is prepared to defend your rights and the integrity of the estate with robust legal strategies.

Embracing New Beginnings: Bankruptcy

Filing for bankruptcy involves several steps, including determining eligibility, deciding which type of bankruptcy is most suitable (Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13), and understanding the impact on your finances and assets. We work to make the bankruptcy process as smooth and understandable as possible, providing a beacon of hope and a clear path forward. Here’s how we assist:

  • Personalized Consultation: We start with a thorough assessment of your financial situation and give you specialized legal advice on whether bankruptcy is the right option and, if so, which chapter is most appropriate.
  • Preparation and Filing: Bankruptcy involves meticulous documentation and adherence to legal procedures. Our team ensures your paperwork is accurately prepared and filed, reducing the stress of navigating complex legal requirements.
  • Representation and Advocacy: WH Law stands by your side, advocating for your interests and protecting your rights against creditors from the initial filing to the final discharge of debts.
  • Post-Bankruptcy Guidance: Filing for bankruptcy is not just about clearing debts; it’s about setting the foundation for a stable financial future. We counsel on rebuilding credit, managing finances post-bankruptcy, and making strategic decisions to avoid future financial distress.

Upholding Justice in the Workplace

In the workplace, fairness and respect are not just ideals — they’re your rights. Our approach to employment law is comprehensive and compassionate, recognizing the profound impact of workplace issues on an individual’s life and livelihood. Here’s how we can support you:

  • Wrongful Termination: Losing a job is rough, especially when it’s unjust. We’ll thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your dismissal to provide a strong defense against wrongful termination, ensuring you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.
  • Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation: At WH Law, we’re committed to fighting workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. No one should face adverse treatment for their race, gender, disability, or for whistleblowing. Our attorneys are experts in securing justice and ensuring such practices are met with accountability and restitution. Trust us to protect your rights and guide you toward a fair resolution.
  • Wage and Hour Disputes: Whether it’s unpaid overtime, misclassification, or other wage violations, we advocate for your right to fair pay. We handle individual claims and class action lawsuits, ensuring workers are compensated according to federal and state labor laws.
  • Sexual Harassment: We provide a safe and confidential environment for victims of sexual harassment to come forward. Our legal strategies are designed to hold perpetrators accountable and secure harassment-free environments.
  • Employment Contracts and Negotiations: Our expertise ensures your rights and future are protected from reviewing employment contracts to negotiating severance agreements. We advise on non-compete clauses, confidentiality agreements, and other contractual matters, ensuring fair and equitable terms.
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Violations: Employees are entitled to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specified family and medical reasons. If your rights under FMLA have been violated, we’re here to ensure that justice is served.

Advocating for You in Personal Injury Cases

When you’re injured due to someone else’s negligence, the path to recovery can be long and full of challenges. Personal injury law covers many incidents, from auto accidents and workplace injuries to slip-and-fall accidents and medical malpractice. Whatever the cause, the impact on your life can be profound. Here’s how WH Law steps in to help:

  • Comprehensive Case Evaluation: We start by thoroughly assessing the details of your case, determining the extent of your injuries and the impact on your life, both now and in the future.
  • Diligent Representation: Our attorneys relentlessly pursue the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. We navigate the complexities of personal injury law, ensuring your case is presented with compelling clarity.
  • Negotiation with Insurers: Dealing with your insurance company can be daunting. We take on this challenge for you, negotiating aggressively to ensure your settlement reflects the true value of your claim.
  • Support and Guidance: From the moment you trust us with your case, we’re by your side, offering support, answering your questions, and keeping you informed every step of the way.

WH Law is not just a law firm — we’re a group of dedicated professionals who see our clients as part of our Fayetteville, AR community. We pledge to stand by your side, offering legal representation and a partnership grounded in trust, empathy, and unwavering support.

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Your first session is on us, so let’s get to it.

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